Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::Progress - Progress bar support for SpamAssassin
my $progress = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::Progress->new({total => 100});
$msgcount = 0; foreach my $message (@messages) { # do something here $msgcount++; $progress->update($msgcount); }
This module implements a progress bar for use in SpamAssassin scripts and modules. It allows you to create the progress bar, update it and print out the final results of a particular run.
public class (Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::Progress) new (\% $args)
Description: Creates a new Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::Progress object, valid values for the $args hashref are:
public instance () init_bar()
Description: This method creates the initial progress bar and is called automatically from new. In addition you can call init_bar on an existing object to reset the bar to it's original state.
public instance () update ([Integer $num_done])
Description: This method is what gets called to update the progress bar. You may optionally pass in an integer value that indicates how many messages have been processed. If you do not pass anything in then the num_done value will be incremented by one.
public instance () final ([Integer $num_done])
Description: This method should be called once all processing has finished. It will print out the final msgs per sec calculation and the total time taken. You can optionally pass in a num_done value, otherwise it will use the value calculated from the last call to update.